Philip Augar
Philip Augar has been involved with the City as a practitioner and writer for 40 years. His six books include the celebrated Death of Gentlemanly Capitalism (2001), The Greed Merchants(2005) and Chasing Alpha (2009, renamed Reckless in paperback). His latest book is The Bank That Lived a Little: Barclays in the Age of the Very Free Market (2018). He has written many articles for the Financial Times and other publications and appears regularly on BBC radio and television.
Philip was a non-executive board member at the Department for Education from 2004-2010 and at the Home Office from 2010-2014, where he was also Chairman of UK Border Agency in 2012-2013. He was a member of the cross-party Future of Banking Commission chaired by David Davis MP in 2010 and the same year advised the Scottish Parliament's inquiry into the banking crisis. He was an independent non-executive at KPMG and was a board member of the retail bank TSB plc. He holds a doctorate in History and in 2018-19 chaired the panel reviewing post-18 education in England for the government.